Prepare To Win
Welcome to "Prepare to Win" – a weekly podcast hosted by sales coaches David Lowe and Grace Lupoi, from Automotive Sales Coach.
Dive deep into the art and science of selling with a twist! We're not just talking about techniques to drive sales; we're diving into the life principles that drive excellence.
Using the mantra "Better Today Than Yesterday", David and Grace walk you through the importance of pursuing excellence in both your personal and professional lives.
Whether you're an automotive sales professional, or someone just looking for a dose of inspiration and tangible tips, this podcast is for you. Let’s embark on a journey of self-improvement, where the ultimate win is a life filled with joy, peace, and satisfaction.
Prepare To Win
Overcoming Objections With The Power of Focus
Learn how to handle objections in sales with the power of focus. In this video, we'll share tips and strategies to help you overcome objections and close the deal. The key is to stop looking at the obstacles at your feet and keep your eyes on the goals in front of you!
Connect with us at https://preparetowin.com
Call or Text David @ 765-560-7338
Welcome to today's episode. Today we're coming from French Lake, indiana. As a matter of fact, we're going to be shooting this at a couple of different locations, mostly on the mountain bike trails. Today we're going to talk about the power of focus, whatever you look at, you head towards. Hey, welcome to Prepare to Win. And we're shooting today's episode, obviously, on a mountain bike trail, and I'm not sure how many of you have mountain biked before, but I'd really like to talk to you about the power of your focus and how much mountain biking has reminded me and actually taught me about that. Right.
David Lowe:So we've been walking through kind of a series on handling common objections. Right, what happens when we know buyers are going to have objections? They fear buying the wrong car, they fear paying too much and they fear being pressured, right? So we were talking about they'll come up with common objections. Like I'm just looking, what's my trade worth? I'm not buying today, I have to talk, and we're handling those and talking you through those. And you notice that we're not giving you one line to overcome them. No, we're talking about the whole thinking behind it. Of course, we'll give you some word tracks that will help turn the thinking into action, but what's most important is the way you think, because think right, act right. Isn't that true? Think right, act right.
David Lowe:So here today, we're on a mountain bike trail. I'm going to tell you something you have to think right to act right. Everywhere you go, including mountain biking, you see what you focus on and what you think about you're going to head towards. And so, as you're riding this mountain bike show you could probably see I'll probably take you up there in just a second, I'll bring the camera closer I'm going down this nice smooth path and here's all these rocks A little bit scary, they're on the edge and you can see maybe you can't see there's a ravine to the right here. So you don't want to make a mistake, right? And so it's very simple to look down at those rocks. In fact, that's the most human thing to do, right? I don't want to hit those rocks. I don't want to. You know, wipe out. And so fear, thinking, fear drives your actions, and you tend to wipe out, right. As a matter of fact, maybe some of you, if you follow me on Facebook, you've seen this video I shot last year. I think it might've been on the same trail where I had wiped out in this ravine next to this turtle.
David Lowe:I kind of talked about this very same thing, but on the mountain bike trails. I think it was back in 95, I came from flatland in Wisconsin, had a mountain bike. I ended up in Colorado and when I was in Colorado I got on the Colorado Trail and I was riding Boy, every few feet there was rocks. I kept falling down a half hour and I'm like what am I doing here? I run into somebody on the trail and I said to him hey, do you have any trails without rocks around here? And you know what he said this is the Rocky Mountains man. It's full of rocks, all right. And so he gave me some advice and some schooling there on mountain biking. That fits all of our lives. And here's what he said Quit looking down at the rocks.
David Lowe:You have to look through them. Look 10 feet ahead. Your bike will go where your eyes go, isn't this true? When we look down at the rocks, we hit the rocks, the fear mounts and automatically our actions and reactions become weak. They become born of fear. And fear also creates results, doesn't it? Just not the results you want.
David Lowe:So I'm out here in a moment by the church to say listen, we're talking about overcoming objections. And if you want to overcome objections, you have to think right. You have to understand why they're happening. The buyer's not trying to. They're not trying to, you're not trying to mislead you, they're doing what they need to do. They think to protect themselves. That's why it's so important that the second they come in, we give them a different view of salesman. Remember what was salesman? You know how can I help you, right? Yeah, I'm just looking. Well, I'm just selling. What are you looking for, right? And so the typical salesman just accentuates this fear. Right, when we say how can I help you? And they tell us when we say, rock and roll, I could totally help you with that, we are beginning a conversation that will help put our buyers at ease and we can move through the process.
David Lowe:See, our thinking is. We know whatever they're saying is born of fear. We're not thrown by it, we expect it. Our thinking drives our actions. Good thinking, good actions. Okay, so we're talking about, really, the power of vision. Right, all of this your thinking drives your actions, your actions creates your results really is about vision.
David Lowe:Remember what Solomon said well, there's no vision, the people perish. So the opposite is true. Where there's vision, people can flourish right, can really grow. So we have to have the where am I? Where am I going? Why am I going there and how am I going to get there right? How am I going to get there?
David Lowe:I want to go down this trail today and you can see some of these rocks up here and I'm going to tell you something. I know I'm going to face much worse than this as I go. Some of these I will make and some of those, even with my right thinking, I can't make right, but I do know, as I go, I'm going to focus on my path and you can see there's a line there. I'm going to focus on that path and I'm not going to look down. I'm not going to look to the left or to the right, I'm going to look straight ahead, right, that's the principle of vision. That's the principle of focus within vision.
David Lowe:Whatever you focus on you, head towards, okay, so let me give you some other things about that. If you don't believe me, let's just go back and talk about goals. What is goals? What are goals? They're division. Whatever you focus on you, what Head towards? That's why setting a goal is pretty important. Of course you got to set goals wisely, right. You have to set the right goals. The goals of making 30 calls may not be a great goal. That may be a task. The goal is to set one or two appointments that are going to show every day, no matter what number of calls it takes to get that. So setting goals gives you that vision and keeps you on track. And as people don't pick up or people don't answer or people say no, that's the rocks in the ground, we don't refocus on that. We keep moving ahead and pick up the phone again and make the next call. Okay, so we're talking about vision and how your vision creates your focus and your focus drives your actions and, ultimately, your life, your results.
David Lowe:So I started this episode in front of my motorhome. Out there in front, like in a little RV park, if you can call it that, they have the hookups. That's 102 inch wide motorhome. When you're driving down the road, you can't look like. If you go through a toll booth, if you go through a construction, you can't look at the walls on the side. You have to look at where you're going, pick a point on the road. It's so wide you cannot deviate from it right. Same with the mountain bike trail. Same with your selling career and your life.
David Lowe:What do you want? Why do you want it? How are you going to get it and how are you going to move forward towards your goal every single day? How are you going to keep the obstacles every single day? How are you going to keep the obstacles? Lost deals, lost customer whatever that don't have, the inventory, interest rates, payments how are you going to keep the obstacles at bay? Keep those at your feet and not stare at them. Right, that's what this is about.
David Lowe:And, by the way, our dealership playbook, every video on there is designed to help you think better and act better. We prepare you for the obstacles so you can think right. When you approach the rocks, you don't go. Oh my God, there's rocks, I'm going to fall. You go yeah, I prepared for this. I knew they were coming. It's a mountain bike trail, for God's sakes. When you pick up the phone and you call the customer and they say you know we're thinking it's not the right time, you don't freak out. You're prepared for that, I'm prepared for that. Buyers are afraid. It's your job to go ahead and overcome those fears and move them along the sales process. Those are the obstacles you face every single day and they're done the same way with right thinking.
David Lowe:Okay, so I want to take you to this how do you get your right thinking? Where does it come from Right? You got to think right to act right. It comes from preparation and training. Can I tell you something? Mind, body, spirit. Every day. You have to prepare yourself for excellence Every day.
David Lowe:People don't like to hear about that. People like to get up and rush and power slide into work and just you know work. And if they sell a car, they think they're great, if they don't, they think the business sucks. That's not what a master sales professional does. A master sales professional takes personal responsibility for themselves, for their attitudes and their knowledge and their skill and their actions and the results. So if you want to think right, to act right, if you want to prepare for those obstacles, if you want the fear driven from your life, in other words, if you want to focus on where you're going and not the rocks at your feet, you need preparation. And, by the way, that's what the dealership playbook was designed to do to prepare you.
David Lowe:We tell you what to do to change the way the buyer thinks about you, a car salesman, and about the process of buying a car. We tell you what to do to prepare yourself for the common objections that buyers will give you, that you'll face daily. We prepare you, and when I say that we just don't tell you what to do, we make sure we tell you why, how does it work, the psychology, the human intelligence behind it, what to do, why to do it. Then we show you how to do it, like the best of the best do. We're studying the best of the best all the time and we keep updating our training to fit today's marketplace. It's a different marketplace than it was when I started 35 years ago. It's an internet-driven marketplace. People have more information. You need to understand what to do, why to do it, how to do it. Now it comes down to you. You have to practice and practice until you can do it. That's the skill. Right Skill is only developed by repetition.
David Lowe:And here's where I think most master salesmen, most salesmen, are failing today. Why are they failing? They're not taking the time to master. We watch, people watch our videos all the time. Oh, I watched it. So I said let's walk through the trial, close. Which one was that again, you see, that's the world. That's the 80% that aren't going or never going to live up to their potential. It's the 20% who watch that trail closely and go, wow, this is powerful. I need to look at my notes, I need to rewrite my notes, I need to practice this until I can do this really well, because when I do it really well, it's really going to impact my customer and my career. That's the thinking right.
David Lowe:So, as a master, today I'm coming out here to remind you. Of course, there are obstacles, and you might think it's inventory, you might think it's interest rate, you might think it's payments, you might think it's negative equity, you might think that, but those have always I've been doing this over 38 years. Those have always been something that the buyer complains about and salespeople that are untrained focus on. Today, we want to refocus you. Get your mind off of these rocks and put your mind on the trail ahead. Don't look to the left or to the right, Don't look at the obstacles at your feet. Look directly ahead of you, right? Okay? I think that I've got to point across to you right today.
David Lowe:There's so much I could tell you about this. This principle has been around for thousands of years, that your thinking drives your actions and results and that what you focus on, you head towards. That's just human intelligence, that's just science. It's been around and people that have wanted to be better have understood this, so they've decided to capture their mind, to master their mind. I'm gonna drive every day good into my mind so I can think good. If I think good, I can create good actions and good results. Now what if I thought, excellent, right, even better, right the better, I think.
David Lowe:Now we provide this training for you and I'm hoping that you're doing it every day, and I know a lot of salespeople think it's a task, but it's not a task those five-minute daily emails that you get. If you would just commit yourself to doing, take notes and practice it where I'm at here, you don't have to do it all in one day. Just do five minutes a day. You know. 15 minutes focused training a day, five days a week, is 60 hours a year. We're asking you commit, focus. What do you want into your life? Commit to 15 minutes a day of training on your career, your craft, 15 minutes a day, and you will see your thinking change, your actions change and your results change. All right. So that's enough of that.
David Lowe:I just want to take you up here. I do want to show you what these rocks look like and you can see how ominous they look. Right, they do look ominous, and guess what? The closer you look, right. So instead of looking down, let's go ahead. I'm having trouble standing on the trail, so let's look to where we're going, right, not at the obstacles at our feet, but to the trail ahead. All right, listen, this is David Lowe, the automotive sales coach. Thank you so much for joining our podcast and watching our episode today. We appreciate you. There's something you want to hear about? Let us know. Would you Like the podcast? Share it if you can. And in the coming episodes we're going to keep going through these common, these questions that every salesman have, the common objections you face every day. Good selling.