Prepare To Win
Welcome to "Prepare to Win" – a weekly podcast hosted by sales coaches David Lowe and Grace Lupoi, from Automotive Sales Coach.
Dive deep into the art and science of selling with a twist! We're not just talking about techniques to drive sales; we're diving into the life principles that drive excellence.
Using the mantra "Better Today Than Yesterday", David and Grace walk you through the importance of pursuing excellence in both your personal and professional lives.
Whether you're an automotive sales professional, or someone just looking for a dose of inspiration and tangible tips, this podcast is for you. Let’s embark on a journey of self-improvement, where the ultimate win is a life filled with joy, peace, and satisfaction.
Prepare To Win
What Are You Thankful For? Transform Your World With Positive Habits
Join David Lowe on this episode of 'Prepare to Win' as he talks about the important topic of habit formation. Shifting to a positive perspective has the potential to transform your entire approach to life and success!
Connect with us at https://preparetowin.com
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What are you thankful for? Hi, I'm David Lowe, the Automotive Sales Coach, and welcome to today's podcast. Prepare to Win. Today's episode is all about how our thinking drives our actions and our actions drive our results, and so we're talking about the attitude of gratitude. I began this episode by asking you what are you thankful for? Can I tell you something?
David Lowe:As I study people of excellence, people that pursued being better today than they were yesterday, people that have accomplished great things, I want to know how did they do it right? What do they have in common? And we find that thoughts are things, and the people that achieve more really think better than other people. Right, they've decided to master their mind. Right, what goes in our computer comes out in our life. Our brain is our computer, and so thinking positive is one of the ways to do it.
David Lowe:And this attitude of gratitude, this focus on what I have and not what I don't have, is a tool or a habit that so many people I've discovered use right. I think Michael Strahan was the last one I read about that said hey, I start my morning by writing three things. I'm thankful, and I can go back hundreds of years. This habit has going on. I do it in my life. I don't know where it came from Probably my mom, like most of the good things in my life and I've fed this habit and I've reinforced this habit through my own personal searching and study, right. So here's the habit and I want to get to a little background on why it's so important. So the habit is sitting down in the morning and maybe making a list. I'm thankful for this. I'm thankful for that.
David Lowe:Now, it's so easy to go to your spouse or your family and your health and your job, right, and we should be thankful for those things. We don't want to take those things for granted, and there's so many things in America that we're thankful for that. Other parts of the world, I mean, we take it for granted. Other parts of the world, don't? Right? I was watching a show and it was in France I think it was Paris and this person was found. This great apartment in Paris. It was a great luxury apartment and the kicker was it also had good water pressure. Right, they were making a big deal that this luxury apartment also has great water pressure. Now, I've really never thought about it at my house. Don't we take for granted that our water pressure should be good. A lot of the world doesn't have some of the basic niceties that we take for granted. Would it hurt you to be thankful for it? No, it doesn't hurt me.
David Lowe:I know focusing on gratitude empowers me, so let's talk about that. So focusing on gratitude is part of Think Positive, right, and here's a book that I, like you know I always say you put positive things in, positive things come out right, and so this episode what Are you Thankful For is really about the power of positive thinking, and the attitude of gratitude is positive thinking. You're intentionally feeding your mind with something that strengthens you. So many people strangle themselves with poor thoughts. They think about what's wrong and not what's right. Every day, maybe every hour, they reinforce who they're not and what they don't have, instead of reinforcing the opportunities and who they are, what they do have right. So I like to constantly feed my mind.
David Lowe:You guys know that I've read. If you've done any of our training on the dealership playbook, if you've been to our most sales coaches live, some of you know that a lot of what we talk about is not just selling with excellence, but it's like living with excellence, and you can't do either really without having an excellent mindset or an excellent attitude. You're thinking right. That's what we call your thinking, your mindset, and we know that our mindset, our thinking, is always being programmed right. It's being programmed by well, our experience right. What happens to us is programming it. Our environment, people around us are programming, of course, our education, and so we know we're being programmed. I like to say let's go ahead and program ourself with the thinking we want. Why not control what's going in our computer, right? Our brain is a super complex computer and garbage in, garbage out that means great stuff in, great stuff out. So I pick up stuff like this.
David Lowe:This is I don't know when this was published. I don't know, maybe 20 years ago, maybe not that long. 15 years ago it was a series Chicken Soup for the Soul. This happens to be the Think Positive, I guess, version of it. I don't know. I think that my mom picked these up at a garage sale or something to start out with how I got reading them. That's how that stuff happens. There's 101 inspirational stories. These are really good. If you read one of these a day, you will really be grateful. It's so easy to take all the blessings in your life for granted, and these stories will really remind you of the good things in your life. But anyway, I want to read this foreword by Deborah Norville.
David Lowe:She worked in the news for a long time and she says this change your thoughts and you change your world. Now Norman Vincent Peale said that in one of his books and here she's talking about. I can't remember how long it's been since I first heard these words change your thoughts and you change your world. And she says it's so positive, it's packed with power and it's kind of been her lifelong mantra that she uses and she goes to whenever things aren't going well. She will immediately train her mind to think about what is right, the opportunity right. This power of the subconscious mind at work. It's constantly being programmed and when our natural instinct to go negative, she's saying remind yourself this if I change my thoughts right now, I can change my world. In other words, I can impact the people and the opportunities around me based on my mindset. If my mindset is wrong or weak or negative, will that not affect the people around me? We talked about that heart coherence, the new science that's showing that our heart puts off something that can be felt three meters away sometimes. In other words. People know how you feel inside. Now your words sometimes are meaningless. They feel the attitude you say them with. Our attitudes are contagious, and if we're negative we'll have a negative attitude, and that will be contagious too. Right, but she went on to talk about some of the power of this.
David Lowe:There's the scientific research of people who can recall positive events have been proven to be more resilient, even in the most difficult situations. People who keep track of the good things in their lives are healthier, more active, more productive and held in higher regard by those around them. What's more, people who are aware to accentuate the positive are smarter, better able to make cognitive associations and connect. They solve problems faster and more correctly. Kids who summon up positive memories do better on tests.
David Lowe:Well, I don't have to take you through. If you're interested in the proof of what I have to say, there's plenty written about it. Spend a little time on Google and it'll prove it to you. Scientific fact that whatever you put in your computer, the programming determines what comes out right. Scientific fact whatever you put in your computer, the programming determines what comes out right. Scientific fact whatever you put in your brain is going to come out in your life right. What consumes your mind controls your life.
David Lowe:Creed said that in one of their songs, and it's so true. Solomon says as a man thinketh in his heart, so they are right, and thoughts are things. Think and grow rich thoughts. Just go back and do the research for yourself. If you're as convinced that I am, that what I'm thankful for my mindset will really impact the quality of my life, then you'll do something about it. I do Every single day.
David Lowe:I want this habit of focusing on what's right and when things turn hey, listen, things happen. None of us are perfect. We make mistakes and things happen to us even when we don't mistake. Good things happen to bad people. How do we do it? I really believe we have to remember the power of positive thinking, and I think today's episode I want to sum up for you was all about how do you harness the power of positive thinking. I think we all know it's important and I think reading positive material, hanging out with positive people these are all good things, and I think one of the most impactful things you can do not I think I know because I've been doing it writing down the act of writing down the things you're thankful for and meditating or praying over those daily, will greatly impact your attitude. Okay, so here's the question for you. We know attitudes are contagious. True, is the attitude you're carrying today, right now, the attitude you want your co-workers to have, your kids or your spouse to have right, and that's really the gauge, isn't? It? Is my attitude, the attitude I want, rubbing off on those around me? If it's not, take the hemp. Start writing three things you're thankful for.
David Lowe:I'm going to tell you, if you do this 21 days in a row, it will become a habit. They say doing something 21 days in a row it doesn't make it automatic. It just means you're more likely to continue doing it. There's more research that says if you take that habit for 21 days, you start it. I want to do this, I want to do this, I think about it every day. It comes easier, but I just do it for 21 days. If I want to make it a lifestyle, I need to continue 90 days more. So I take the 21 and I add the 90, that's 111 days.
David Lowe:They say whatever you do over and over and over will become a habit and a lifestyle. That doesn't make it automatic, but it makes it something that you count on every day. And since this is a good thing, why not start working on that habit today? All right, thank you so much for joining us for today's episode. What are you thankful for? Right, the power of positive thinking. What your mind can conceive and believe, you can achieve. And so if you want this habit, you can have it. Good selling.