Prepare To Win

Overcoming Objections: "I've Got Your Deal Beat"

David Lowe and Grace Lupoi

Join us on 'Prepare to Win' as David Lowe and Grace Lupoi begin a new series: Answering 10 Toughest Sales Problems! It's going to be great. On this episode, tune in as David and Grace discuss the common objection, "I've got your deal beat!" We know this objection tends to be a half truth. Learn how to overcome this with excellence and secure your deal! 

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David Lowe:

I've got your deal beat. right.

David Lowe:

I found a better deal. If you're in sales, I know you've heard it. You probably hear it every week. In today's episode, we're going to show you how to successfully handle that objection and close your sale today. Hi guys, I'm Grace Lupoi and I'm here with David Lowe, the Automotive Sales Coach, and today we're working through a new series touching on these tough situations that sales consultants face every single day. Right, let's talk about that. Okay, yeah, so well, you know this.

David Lowe:

Prepare to Win is all about giving you the principles, the tips that it takes to really win at work, at selling and in life. Right To be better today than yesterday and over these last times. I've really enjoyed it, bringing a lot of those foundational principles, principles that everyone I don't care if you're in sales or not can really think. This will improve my life if I could live like this. And, of course, principles aren't something we made up. Principles are natural laws that always existed, and what we need to do as people is learn them and apply them to our life where it fits at work or where it fits at home. So it's been really great to build that foundation, and so we're going to this next few episodes about 10 episodes in a row we're going to kind of take the direction of saying we know a lot of you are sending questions, asking questions. Hey, I'm facing this. What do I do? Right, there are some tough situations out there and we're going to help give you a game plan. I've been doing this 38 years. I'm going to tell you there's nothing new. Now there's the internet, has replaced newspapers, but buyers' fears are the same, right, the buyer's four questions they have to answer before they buy are the same, and the three fears they have to overcome are the same, right, right? So in sales, we are going to face objections. An objection is a statement or a reason for not moving forward, right, it's a negotiating tool or stalling tactic while people are trying to decide. They don't want to make a bad decision, right, they don't want to take advantage. So we're going to help with those situations and talk about specific Today. We've already set the stage for that.

David Lowe:

I've got your deal beat. I found a better price, okay. Is today's world internet driven? Sure is. Are people online searching for price? Yep, and do they use the price of a car they don't want to negotiate for the price of the car they do want. Okay. So what makes this up? If you want to successfully overcome this buyer's fear of pain to my I found a better deal If you want to help overcome that fear and secure that sale, close that deal now in a way that the buyer feels good, you feel good and you make a fair profit, you need a plan, and that plan begins with understanding your buyer and buyers. Do negotiate with half truth. Can I tell you something? I just said I've got your deal beat.

David Lowe:

Last week to a salesperson this is no joke, and I'll relate the story to you I was passively looking for a new motorhome, very passively, when I stumbled upon a motorhome I really wanted at what I thought was an incredible pricing right, and I used this very thing. I found one. By the way, the one that I found that I wanted was an Oregon. I found four or five more of the same model, but none of the other ones had the interior I wanted. So I found one in Pennsylvania that wasn't equipped or had the interior I wanted, but had a lower price. So I sent that advertisement to the dealer that I wanted to buy from and said I've got your deal beat. I've got a lower price. In fact, it's closer to my home. I probably should just go there. Now.

David Lowe:

Why would I do that? Why do buyers do that? To make sure they don't pay more than they have. To Listen, I want to have a win-win relationship with who I buy from. I don't know how they price them, I don't know what the good deal is, it's hard to even know. Half the stuff is made up, and so you're just trying to figure out and navigate that, and so most buyers will use a lower priced car, not even if it's the car they don't want to talk about the car they do want. Does that make sense? That's what I did. It was effective and people have been doing that for ages.

David Lowe:

People say, well, I can buy the same one over there, and of course you pull it up and it's the same year, make and model, but it may be different color combinations, maybe different trim package, maybe even and of course you pull it up and it's the same year, make and model, but it may be different color combinations, maybe different trim package, maybe even some different options, maybe the condition is different. You know what I mean. The history is different, the reconditioning is different from, even from a set of tires or not, you know, an old set of tires. So when people are talking about price, our mind has to go to value, right, we've talked about that all the time. There's price of product and there's value, and that's a different subject. We'll talk about that.

David Lowe:

However, as a salesman be prepared for this I've got your deal beat. I have to think of what is a great deal and what makes up a great deal, right? So I want to tell you, first of all, start with some knowledge. Dealers are using price. Dishonest newspaper advertisements are now today's dishonest internet advertisements.

David Lowe:

Okay, when I was running a VW store, we'd have people come in and say I found the same Jetta and for Chicago for this much right. Now I always ask myself then, why are you here? Right, and they're here because they want to get it from me. They don't want to drive to Chicago, but they also don't want to overpay, right? So they want to use the car they don't want to buy. So I got to remind myself there's value in the fact that I'm close to them, that they can see me. There's value in that they can see my car and they know my car. Right, there's a lot of value in see my car and they know my car right. There's a lot of value in this whole thing.

David Lowe:

By the way, what happens when they get to Chicago and look at the car, drive the car, what's the experience going to be like? What are the add-ons going to be like, right? So, by the way, to explain that this dealer in Chicago had an environmental protection package you had to buy to get the car. So of course, they always advertise your car is cheaper. And then you got there and what did they do? Tack that on Now, by the way, I know that some of these things are being regulated by law right now, but not all of them. And I'm telling you some dealers are advertising minus these environmentals that you have to take. There's one big group around here that does that all the time, right, and there's great pressure on their sales staff to sell this stuff. To add this, and I've actually had managers tell me that I can't sell the car if I don't get it. Now, how do you tell a customer you can't buy the car for the price average it's happening at dealerships today, so don't assume that price they saw is real. So, by the way, this motorhome in Pennsylvania was cheaper.

David Lowe:

So I said do you have any extra fees? He said, well, of course we have the normal setup fees and, of course, destination getting it from the factory to us. So I said, well, okay, how much are those? Well, I don't really know what they are. They're not an exact chart, they're not a. So he went into that dance, I know, okay. So he says we're really aggressive, though. Anyway, he sent me a deal sheet with the price online and $7,000 in fees. Okay, right. And then over the next few days he proceeded to say what if I can reduce my fee? Right, and so I was out by then. My feet Right, and so I was out by then. Did I trust him anymore?

David Lowe:

So I'm just going to say that maybe you work at a dealership that advertises that way. You're going to have to come up with a strategy to keep your integrity and character alive as you talk to people at a distance. When people call in and say I see your price, is this, what do you have on it? Say, yeah, we really have a low price and we have this package that's so valuable that we put on our car. You have to be prepared to sell that value. You don't want to mislead. Obviously, we would prefer that everybody was advertising what they could do more fairly and so that we have that integrity. But often when buyers say they have their DLB, they don't. But they don't even know they don't.

David Lowe:

So sometimes I have to point out folks, if you drive to Chicago, how many hours is that going to take? Four hours there, four hours back? Are they going to be prepared for you? What's the car going to look like? What are they going to add to it? What are they going to give you for your car? How add to it whether you're a pure car? How they're going to handle the financing? I really don't know what's going to happen when you get there, but I do know what's happening here right now. Has my team done a good job right, understanding your goals, why you're here, what you're looking for, what you're trying to come? Have they done a good job helping you find the car? Have they taken time to show you the car, how it fits your lifestyle, offer you a test drive, even taking you through service, to show you how we've got your back? All that matters. And when you add that up, you know you're getting a great deal right. So there is value here that can be built.

David Lowe:

So when somebody says to you I've got your deal beat right, what do you say? We always start with empathy right. Right, I get it, I'm the same way. No-transcript, that's the feel felt found. We call empathy Right and we start with that empathy, absorbing it. Don't attack it right away and then say you've got my DLB, I've got your DLB, yeah, but do you really? What about the fees? And now there's this debate, and so I don't want to. I want this relationship. They've chosen me or they wouldn't be talking to me. Maintain the relationship and give them the logical reason to say yes to you. So we just go right into our five-step empathy logic redirect to value, reassure and re-ask, don't we? And so if you're part of our training system and you're on our dealership playbook, you've learned some of it right our fast start, our internet phone sales, how to handle best price, win-win closing. Our training actually teaches this integrity and character base turnaround.

David Lowe:

But it starts in your mind and it starts with you knowing they chose you for a reason. And if that other deal was so great, why are they keep? Why are they talking to you? Why didn't they just go there? And I don't want to be that that guy says why don't you just go there then and get it? If that's such a great, that's so lazy and so weak, why not just turn it around right and say I know a good deal is a lot more than just price? And so we know there's trade and we know there's payment. We know there's warranty, we know there's a condition. We know there's trade and we know there's payment. We know there's warranty, we know there's condition, we know there's equipment. We know there's so much that goes there's financing, there's payment. There's so much that goes into this package that we want to redirect people from just one piece of the pie, which is price, to what? The whole package, the whole package. And then when we redirect so I get it, I'm the same way. I shop everywhere. Now the cool thing is about us. I know that we go online and we do what you do. We shop for competitors so we can price it competitively low, right up front. Probably why you called to begin with. But it's more than that, isn't it? It's not just the pricing, but it's our car, the history and the condition, the reason that we use the car. That's the redirect.

David Lowe:

You got to go back and give them a reason to feel comfortable saying yes to you while creating doubt on that other deal. Does that make sense? Yeah, all right. Let me give you one other scenario. And you're in the dealership and you put down a deal sheet and the customer says oh, I got a better deal than that. Most salesmen will say well, is it on the same car? What's the customer going to say? No, your car is better, that's why I'm here. They always say yes and now you go oh, they got the same car, so don't say that. Or they might say you got a deal sheet, you got it in writing.

David Lowe:

And now this battle begins. You got to stick to the training and use your five-step resell re-ask. You've got to let the buyer comfortably out of their half-truth, their lie. You've got to let them out, and the only way to do it is right. I know I'm the same way. I shop around. There's a lot of pricing out there and a lot of people do the pricing a lot of different ways. You know what I found as you take a look at our pricing. I know we price them competitively low, right up front. We shop the competition and what's more than that. Not only that, but you're getting the whole package. I mean, I got your back after the sale, but let's walk through the car and the benefits of this car. I'll show you how this is the whole financial package I'm offering is gonna be better, right? That's the confidence that you have.

David Lowe:

I really believe that great salesmanship is great conversation. It's not a bag of tricks. It's not a battle. It's not a head on head. Does that make sense? Don't? They may think they do, but they don't have all the information or they're probably telling a half truth just to make sure they're getting the best deal.

David Lowe:

Start with the right thinking. They chose you. They'd like to buy a car from you, but don't bank on that. Earn the right to ask them through your empathy and your logic, and you're redirecting the value and, of course, reassuring them and, lastly, asking them to buy again. Does that make sense? It does so.

David Lowe:

We know all buyers don't. They don't want to pay more than they have to. I mean, who does? I don't, I'm not mad at them and um, I don't want to pay more than I have to. And the case of a car I in cars every day, but motorhomes I'm not in every day. And I think your buyers like being in a motorhome. They buy a car every two, three years. They don't know about the new pricing models. They just don't know. And if you go online, I was shopping, looking at used cars and I clicked on one used car and it says says does not include our nine 50 fee, right. So another one I shopped on it, clicked and said with your $2,000 trade, they're advertising the car after right. So you have to be careful that you don't get sucked up into the price. You keep focused on the fact that they probably saw that too, but they want to use what they have to make sure they've got their very best deal from you.

David Lowe:

Maintain your character, maintain your integrity and resell, re-ask. Now. If you don't know how to do that, join us. Go to prepare2wincom and learn about. So this is a Prepare to Win podcast. We also have a training website called prepare2wincom and it takes you to our whole suite of training. You'll see a way that you can become a partner with us. There's some free training modules on there If you want to see. Hey, what does this train look like? I know we have a closing bundle that they can sign up for. You can sign up for right now and begin that training. If you like it, we'd love to talk to you or your dealership about how affordable and how effective our partnerships can be.

David Lowe:

We're so glad that you're joining us for this podcast and we want to challenge you to be better today than yesterday. That's what it's about, right it is? And when it means being better today than yesterday, it means being prepared, and if you're going to face something like I got your deal beat, you have to be mentally prepared and you have to practice that turnaround to make sure you can take care of it right Now. Hey, in the coming episodes we're going to talk about stuff like all I need is a value on my trade, right? We're going to talk stuff like I'm trying to trade down and lower my payment. We're going to talk about the tough situations you face and give you a strategy to face it with excellence. Okay, all right. So do us a favor, like this episode, if you would our podcast and listen. If you've got a tough question you want to know how to handle it, send it in to us and we'll do an episode on it. We'll teach you exactly what to do to overcome it with excellence. Okay, good selling.